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Aylesham, Canterbury, Kent

Aylesham is a small village located in the Canterbury district of Kent. It is situated two miles south of Canterbury and is renowned for its picturesque location in the Kent countryside. The village is home to a selection of local shops, including a Post Office, Co-op and several pubs. The village also hosts regular markets and events throughout the year.

For those looking to live in the area, the village is a great choice due to the excellent transport links to the nearby city of Canterbury and other nearby towns. The village also boasts a range of housing options, ranging from modern properties to traditional cottages. The village has a low crime rate and a good range of schools, making it suitable for families.

Overall, Aylesham is an ideal location for those looking for a peaceful village with good transport links and access to the Kent countryside.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Aylesham, Canterbury, Kent: £282,500

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Aylesham, Canterbury, Kent: £96,498

  • Detached house for sale in Aylesham, Canterbury, Kent: £350,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Aylesham, Canterbury, Kent: £248,750