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Biddenden, Ashford, Kent

Biddenden is a small village in Ashford, Kent. It is a picturesque village surrounded by beautiful countryside, with the historic St Mary’s Church at its centre. Biddenden is renowned for its cider production and its world-famous Biddenden Maids, a pair of conjoined twins who were born in the village in 1100.

The village has a number of amenities, including a post office, a shop, a pub, and a tea room. It also has a primary school, a library, and a village hall. Biddenden is a great place to live; it is peaceful and quiet, yet close to the larger towns of Ashford and Tenterden for shopping and entertainment. There are plenty of parks and gardens to explore in the area, as well as plenty of walking and cycling paths. Biddenden is a great choice for anyone looking for a rural setting close to the city.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Biddenden, Ashford, Kent: £410,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Biddenden, Ashford, Kent: £135,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Biddenden, Ashford, Kent: £285,000

  • Detached house for sale in Biddenden, Ashford, Kent: £625,000