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Bodsham Green, Ashford, Kent

Bodsham Green is a small village located in the Ashford borough of Kent, England. With its small population of just over 600 people, the village is the perfect place to live for people who want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. The village has a picturesque landscape with rolling fields, a small river, and a quaint church.

The village is close to the larger towns of Ashford and Tenterden, which offer plenty of amenities for residents. Shops, restaurants, pubs, and leisure facilities are all within easy reach. There are also some excellent schools in the area, making Bodsham Green a great choice for families.

The village also boasts some great outdoor activities, such as walking and cycling. In the centre of the village is a village green, which provides a pleasant area for locals to relax and enjoy the sunshine. There is also a small wood nearby, providing plenty of opportunities for bird watching and wildlife spotting.

Overall, Bodsham Green is an idyllic village with plenty of amenities and activities for those looking for somewhere to live in peaceful surroundings.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Bodsham Green, Ashford, Kent: £555,000

Average value of:
  • Detached house for sale in Bodsham Green, Ashford, Kent: £760,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Bodsham Green, Ashford, Kent: £270,000