Selling your home?

Brambledown, Sheerness, Kent

Brambledown in Sheerness in Kent is a wonderful place to live with a great local community. It's a peaceful residential area with plenty of green spaces, perfect for families or those seeking a quieter lifestyle. The town centre is a short distance away, offering a variety of shops and amenities. There are also several supermarkets and leisure facilities nearby. The area is ideal for commuters, with Sheerness train station just a few minutes away, providing direct services to London. There are also plenty of good schools and a medical centre. The area is well-connected by public transport, and the roads are free of traffic. For those looking for a more rural lifestyle, there are plenty of nearby villages and towns to explore. Brambledown is the perfect place to call home, offering the best of both worlds.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Brambledown, Sheerness, Kent: £300,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Brambledown, Sheerness, Kent: £175,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Brambledown, Sheerness, Kent: £199,998

  • Detached house for sale in Brambledown, Sheerness, Kent: £349,998