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Brogdale, Faversham, Kent

Brogdale, Faversham, Kent is a delightful village located in the heart of the Garden of England. It is a charming and peaceful place, with beautiful rolling hills and lush countryside. The village is surrounded by the historic market towns of Faversham, Canterbury and Whitstable, offering a wealth of attractions and activities.

Brogdale is the perfect place to live for those seeking a rural idyll. The village boasts a range of amenities, including a primary school, a community centre, a post office, and a range of shops, pubs, and restaurants. For those who enjoy the outdoors, there is an abundance of walking, cycling, and horse riding opportunities, as well as a local golf course.

The village is also well-connected, with excellent transport links to nearby towns and cities, and easy access to London via the M2 motorway. With its beautiful scenery, friendly locals and plethora of amenities, it is easy to see why Brogdale is one of the best places to live in Kent.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Brogdale, Faversham, Kent: £375,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Brogdale, Faversham, Kent: £217,500

  • Terraced house for sale in Brogdale, Faversham, Kent: £330,000

  • Detached house for sale in Brogdale, Faversham, Kent: £620,000