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Dent De Lion, Margate, Kent

Dent De Lion is a residential area located in Margate, Kent. It is a great place to live, offering a range of amenities including supermarkets, banks, restaurants and pubs. The area is well connected to other parts of Margate with a bus service, and it is also close to the beach and other attractions. The area is known for its traditional Victorian terraced houses, which offer a historic charm and a great sense of community. The area is also popular for its green spaces, with a range of parks, allotments, and community gardens. For those looking for a quieter area, there are plenty of quiet residential streets to explore. There is something for everyone in Dent De Lion, making it a great place to live.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Dent De Lion, Margate, Kent: £335,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Dent De Lion, Margate, Kent: £170,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Dent De Lion, Margate, Kent: £290,000

  • Detached house for sale in Dent De Lion, Margate, Kent: £700,000