Selling your home?

Faversham, Kent

Faversham is a quaint, historic market town in the Swale district of Kent, England. Located at the edge of the North Downs and close to the coast, it is a popular spot for both visitors and residents alike. With cobbled streets and a charming atmosphere, Faversham has a lot to offer. It is home to a variety of independent shops, pubs and restaurants, as well as a buzzing creative and cultural scene. The town also boasts a rich maritime history and is a great place to explore the surrounding countryside. The best places to live in Faversham are the North Downs and town centre, both of which offer great transport links, quality schools and a range of amenities. The nearby villages of Selling and Ospringe are also popular residential areas.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Faversham, Kent: £387,500

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Faversham, Kent: £227,500

  • Terraced house for sale in Faversham, Kent: £335,000

  • Detached house for sale in Faversham, Kent: £577,500