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Frant, Tunbridge Wells, Kent

Frant, Tunbridge Wells is a picturesque village located in Kent, England. It is a beautiful rural area surrounded by rolling hills, and the village itself is full of charm and character. It has a relaxed atmosphere and a friendly community, making it a great place to live. The local amenities include a selection of pubs and restaurants, a village green, a cricket field, and a number of independent shops. There are also a few nearby parks and green spaces to explore. Frant is well-connected to the surrounding areas, making it easy to access other towns and cities. The housing options in Frant range from traditional cottages to modern homes, making it an ideal location for families and retirees alike. It is a great place to live and offers a peaceful and safe environment.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Frant, Tunbridge Wells, Kent: £450,000

Average value of:
  • Detached house for sale in Frant, Tunbridge Wells, Kent: £700,000