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Graveney, Faversham, Kent

Faversham is a picturesque town located in the beautiful county of Kent in England. The town of Graveney is a small, rural village situated just outside of Faversham. The village is a great place to live for those looking for a peaceful country life. The surrounding countryside is beautiful with many walks and trails to explore. The village also has a few local pubs and shops, as well as a few independent businesses. The village is also home to the historical Graveney Manor, a Grade II listed building, which is a popular attraction. The nearby town of Faversham is a great place to visit for days out, with a wide range of shops and restaurants, as well as a vibrant market square. For those looking to commute, Faversham is well connected by train, giving access to the rest of Kent and London.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Graveney, Faversham, Kent: £450,000