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Gravesham, Kent

Gravesham, Kent is a vibrant and beautiful district in the South East of England. It is home to a number of historical attractions and is set in beautiful countryside. With the Thames Estuary to the north and the North Downs to the south, Gravesham is the perfect place to explore the sights and sounds of the English countryside.

The town of Gravesend is known for its seafront promenade, lined with shops and restaurants, and the popular Gravesend Sea Wall. The town also has a number of parks and green spaces, such as Central Park, as well as a number of sports venues.

For those looking for the best places to live in Gravesham, the villages of Meopham, Cobham and Higham are popular choices. These villages offer a great quality of life, with a range of amenities, good schools and beautiful countryside. For those looking for a more urban experience, Northfleet and Milton are great options, with a range of shops, pubs and restaurants.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Gravesham, Kent: £340,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Gravesham, Kent: £156,667

  • Detached house for sale in Gravesham, Kent: £675,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Gravesham, Kent: £325,000

All properties for sale in Gravesham, Kent

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