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Hamstreet, Ashford, Kent

Hamstreet is a small village situated in the borough of Ashford, Kent. It is located in a rural area and is home to a population of just under 4,000 people. It is a picturesque village with a variety of local amenities including a post office, a convenience store, a local pub, and two churches. There are also two primary schools and a secondary school in the village.

The village is surrounded by green fields and countryside, making it a peaceful and tranquil place to live. Hamstreet is well connected to the rest of the county by bus and rail services and is just a short drive away from the coastal towns of Folkestone and Dover.

Hamstreet is the perfect place to live for those who want the convenience and amenities of a village, with the peace and quiet of the countryside. It is the ideal location for families and those looking for a quiet and peaceful rural lifestyle.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Hamstreet, Ashford, Kent: £335,000

Average value of:
  • Detached house for sale in Hamstreet, Ashford, Kent: £565,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Hamstreet, Ashford, Kent: £302,500