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Haxted, Edenbridge, Kent

Haxted, located in Edenbridge, Kent, is a vibrant and picturesque village with a rich history. It is home to the historic Haxted Mill, a Grade II listed building and an iconic symbol of the village. The area also has a wealth of picturesque walking routes, with the River Eden running through it and the surrounding countryside providing a beautiful backdrop. For those looking for a rural retreat, there are plenty of quiet lanes and cottages to explore. The village has a range of amenities, including a post office, convenience store and pubs, making it a great place to live. Haxted has excellent transport links, with easy access to the M25, making it an attractive option for commuters.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Haxted, Edenbridge, Kent: £492,475

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Haxted, Edenbridge, Kent: £157,500

  • Terraced house for sale in Haxted, Edenbridge, Kent: £365,000

  • Detached house for sale in Haxted, Edenbridge, Kent: £625,000