Selling your home?

Hempstead Valley, Gillingham, Kent

Hempstead Valley is a vibrant suburb of Gillingham, Kent, located within easy reach of London and the Kent countryside. It is a popular area for families, offering green open spaces, excellent transport links, and a good selection of nearby schools. The town centre is home to a wide range of shops, restaurants and entertainment. For nature lovers, nearby Hempstead Valley Nature Reserve is a great place to explore. With a good mix of housing, from modern apartments to traditional terraced homes, Hempstead Valley is a great place to live. The area is well connected to the rest of the UK by rail, road and air transport, making it a great choice for commuters. Whether you're looking for a family home, a place to retire, or a convenient base for work, Hempstead Valley has something for everyone.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Hempstead Valley, Gillingham, Kent: £450,000

Average value of:
  • Detached house for sale in Hempstead Valley, Gillingham, Kent: £600,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Hempstead Valley, Gillingham, Kent: £397,500