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Iwade, Sittingbourne, Kent

Iwade is a village located in Sittingbourne, Kent. It is a small, yet vibrant community with lots of local amenities. The village centre is home to a variety of shops, pubs and restaurants, with a post office and pharmacy. There are plenty of green spaces, including a local park, with plenty of activities on offer. Iwade also has a fantastic transport infrastructure, with regular bus services and a railway station providing links to nearby towns and cities. It is a great place to live, with excellent schools and a range of housing options. Iwade is a friendly, safe and convenient place to live, and is the ideal location for families, professionals and retirees alike.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Iwade, Sittingbourne, Kent: £355,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Iwade, Sittingbourne, Kent: £212,500

  • Detached house for sale in Iwade, Sittingbourne, Kent: £410,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Iwade, Sittingbourne, Kent: £340,000