Selling your home?

Kingsnorth, Ashford, Kent

Kingsnorth is a small village located in the Ashford borough of Kent. It is a picturesque village with beautiful countryside views and easy access to the local amenities. It is a quiet and peaceful place, with a local pub and village store, and plenty of green space for outdoor activities.

The village is home to a diverse range of housing, from traditional period homes to modern developments, so there is something for everyone. It is also close to the M20 and other major transport links, so is ideal for commuters.

Overall, Kingsnorth is a desirable place to live, with the added benefit of being surrounded by the stunning Kent countryside. It is the perfect location for anyone looking for a rural retreat, with easy access to the local towns and amenities.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Kingsnorth, Ashford, Kent: £440,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Kingsnorth, Ashford, Kent: £190,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Kingsnorth, Ashford, Kent: £260,000

  • Detached house for sale in Kingsnorth, Ashford, Kent: £479,998