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Kingsnorth, Rochester, Kent

Kingsnorth is a peaceful and picturesque village located in Rochester, Kent. It is the perfect place for families and couples alike, as it offers a range of amenities and attractions. The village centre has a lovely selection of shops, cafes and pubs, providing plenty of options for dining, shopping and entertainment. The countryside surrounding the village is dotted with fields, woods and lakes, making it a great spot for outdoor activities such as walking, cycling and fishing. Kingsnorth also boasts excellent transport links, making it easy to reach London and other destinations with ease. The village is a great place to live, with excellent schools, plenty of green spaces and a friendly, welcoming community.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Kingsnorth, Rochester, Kent: £325,000

Average value of:
  • Terraced house for sale in Kingsnorth, Rochester, Kent: £300,000

  • Detached house for sale in Kingsnorth, Rochester, Kent: £445,000