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Lower Rainham, Gillingham, Kent

Lower Rainham is a small village located in Gillingham, Kent. It is a beautiful and peaceful area with plenty of green space and a friendly community. The village is home to a variety of shops, pubs, and restaurants, as well as a few small businesses. There is a village green and a few local parks, which offer a great spot for relaxing and taking in the views. Lower Rainham is also conveniently located close to the motorway and good transport links to nearby towns and cities. It is ideal for those looking for a quiet, rural lifestyle with easy access to urban amenities. The village is known for its historic buildings such as St Mary’s Church, which dates back to the 13th century. Lower Rainham is a great place to live, with its friendly atmosphere, beautiful scenery and good amenities.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Lower Rainham, Gillingham, Kent: £325,000

Average value of:
  • Detached house for sale in Lower Rainham, Gillingham, Kent: £350,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Lower Rainham, Gillingham, Kent: £260,000