Selling your home?

Luton, Chatham, Kent

Luton, Chatham, Kent is a vibrant and diverse town located in the Southeast of England. It is a short train ride from London and offers a great selection of shops, restaurants, and entertainment. The town has a large student population, along with a large number of young professionals and families. It is a great place to live for those looking for an affordable cost of living, and good access to local amenities.

The best places to live in Luton, Chatham, Kent include areas like The Warren, Brushwood, and Barnfield. These areas are close to amenities and offer easy access to public transport. They also boast beautiful green areas and good schools. Other popular areas include the centre of town, which offers plenty of shops and places to eat and drink, and Luton Airport, which provides easy access to the rest of the UK.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Luton, Chatham, Kent: £240,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Luton, Chatham, Kent: £168,333

  • Detached house for sale in Luton, Chatham, Kent: £399,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Luton, Chatham, Kent: £235,000