Selling your home?

Millfield Estate, Faversham, Kent

Millfield Estate is a desirable residential area located in Faversham, Kent. It is situated close to the town centre and amenities, and has great access to transport links. The estate comprises of a variety of stylish and spacious homes, many with large gardens and excellent views of the surrounding countryside. The area is peaceful and friendly, with a range of local shops, pubs and restaurants within walking distance.

Millfield Estate is a popular place to live due to its excellent location, good schools and reliable transport links. The area is also perfect for families, with plenty of green spaces to enjoy and a wide range of activities to take part in. The estate is well kept and maintained, with plenty of parking and plenty of room to grow. It is a great place to call home, with a sense of community and plenty of opportunities to get involved.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Millfield Estate, Faversham, Kent: £365,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Millfield Estate, Faversham, Kent: £222,500

  • Terraced house for sale in Millfield Estate, Faversham, Kent: £325,000

  • Detached house for sale in Millfield Estate, Faversham, Kent: £625,000