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Nagden, Faversham, Kent

Faversham, Kent is a quaint and charming market town located in the heart of the county. Home to Nagden, a peaceful residential area, it is one of the best places to live in the county. The area is surrounded by lush green fields and woodland, providing a peaceful backdrop to the area. The streets are lined with beautifully maintained and traditional homes, making this a great place to live. The town centre is bustling with independent shops, cafes, and pubs, and there are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy in the surrounding countryside, such as walking and cycling. The coastal town of Whitstable and the nearby city of Canterbury are also just a short drive away and provide a great day out.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Nagden, Faversham, Kent: £545,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Nagden, Faversham, Kent: £230,000

  • Detached house for sale in Nagden, Faversham, Kent: £700,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Nagden, Faversham, Kent: £335,000