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North Eastling, Faversham, Kent

Faversham, Kent is a delightful town located in the North Eastling region of Kent. With its charming coastal views and colorful beachside cottages, it is a popular destination for both tourists and locals. It is also home to some of the best places to live in the region, with a variety of housing options to suit any budget. From quaint cottages and townhouses to luxurious apartments and spacious family homes, Faversham has something for everyone. With its picturesque streets, pubs, restaurants and shops, it is an ideal place to live for those looking for a relaxed, coastal lifestyle. There are also plenty of parks and green spaces to explore, as well as the nearby Faversham Creek Nature Reserve, providing the perfect opportunity to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh sea air.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in North Eastling, Faversham, Kent: £650,000

Average value of:
  • Detached house for sale in North Eastling, Faversham, Kent: £699,995

  • Terraced house for sale in North Eastling, Faversham, Kent: £472,500