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Ospringe, Faversham, Kent

Ospringe is a charming village in Faversham, Kent, located close to the coast and surrounded by beautiful countryside. With a population of around 2,500, it is a small, friendly community with a strong sense of community spirit. The village center is full of local shops and amenities, including a post office and pub. Ospringe is also home to a number of historic buildings, such as the Grade I listed St Mary's Church and the Grade II listed Ospringe Hall.

Ospringe is an ideal place to live, offering both a rural lifestyle and easy access to the nearby towns of Faversham and Canterbury. It is well connected by public transport, with regular buses running to nearby destinations and a train station in nearby Faversham. With excellent schools and a wide range of leisure activities, Ospringe is the perfect place for families looking for a peaceful and relaxed lifestyle.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Ospringe, Faversham, Kent: £540,000

Average value of:
  • Terraced house for sale in Ospringe, Faversham, Kent: £625,000

  • Detached house for sale in Ospringe, Faversham, Kent: £975,000