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Perry Street, Gravesend, Kent

Perry Street in Gravesend, Kent is a vibrant and busy area of town. It's home to a variety of businesses, shops, restaurants and bars, as well as residential housing. The street is well connected with easy access to motorways and public transport. It is a great place for young professionals and families, with plenty to do and close proximity to both the countryside and the city.

Residents of Perry Street benefit from a range of amenities, including a library, post office, convenience stores and local supermarkets. There are also a number of primary and secondary schools in the area, as well as a wide range of leisure activities, including sports and fitness centres.

For those looking for a peaceful escape, the nearby riverside promenade offers a tranquil setting, while the nearby beaches are perfect for a day out. With excellent transport links and a variety of housing options, Perry Street is one of the best places to live in Gravesend.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Perry Street, Gravesend, Kent: £185,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Perry Street, Gravesend, Kent: £157,500

  • Detached house for sale in Perry Street, Gravesend, Kent: £400,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Perry Street, Gravesend, Kent: £382,500