A well presented three bedroom Park Home located on a highly sought after Site and offering numerous features including Sitting Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, En-Suite Shower Room, walk-in Shower Room, Bathroom, off road parking, Garage and Gardens.
Accessed via UPVC double glazed door, two ceiling light points, hatch to loft area with pull down ladder. Airing cupboard with slatted shelving and electric heater. Double opening coats cupboard with hanging rail and shelf and additional single storage cupboard with shelf. Power points, control for central heating.
DINING ROOM (9' 11" x 8' 0" or 3.03m x 2.44m)
Aspect to the side elevation through UPVC double glazed window. Ceiling light, panelled radiator, power points, open way through to:
SITTING ROOM (19' 6" x 12' 0" or 5.94m x 3.65m)
Aspect to both front and side elevations through UPVC double glazed windows. Ceiling light points, two panelled radiators, TV aerial point, power points, electric flame effect fire with stone surround and hearth. Wall light points.
KITCHEN BREAKFAST ROOM (14' 9" x 9' 4" or 4.49m x 2.84m)
Aspect to the side elevation through UPVC double glazed window. Single bowl single drainer stainless steel sink unit with monobloc mixer tap set into a work surface extending along three walls with range of base cupboards and drawers beneath. Stainless steel electric oven with four ring gas hob and extractor fan over. Integrated fridge/freezer. Additional work surface with base cupboards beneath and fitted Hoover washing machine. Cupboard housing Glow Worm gas fired boiler, eye level storage cupboards, part tiled wall surrounds, power points, UPVC double glazed door providing access onto side elevation, panelled radiator.
BEDROOM 1 (9' 7" x 9' 10" or 2.92m x 3.0m)
Aspect to the side elevation through UPVC double glazed window. Ceiling light, panelled radiator, power points.
Hanging rail, shelf and ceiling light. Modern consumer unit.
EN-SUITE SHOWER ROOM (5' 1" x 5' 0" or 1.55m x 1.53m)
UPVC double glazed window to rear. Ceiling light, extractor fan, corner shower cubicle with sliding glazed shower screen and thermostatically controlled shower, low level WC, pedestal wash hand basin with tiled splash back, mirror fronted medicine cabinet over and panelled radiator.
BEDROOM 2 (11' 10" x 9' 7" or 3.61m x 2.92m)
Aspect to the side elevation through UPVC double glazed window. Ceiling light, power points, panelled radiator, bedroom furniture incorporating two double recessed wardrobes with hanging rails and shelves. Dressing table with range of drawers either side.
BEDROOM 3 (8' 11" x 6' 7" or 2.73m x 2.01m)
Aspect to the side elevation through UPVC double glazed window, ceiling light, panelled radiator, power points.
BATHROOM (6' 10" x 5' 7" or 2.09m x 1.69m)
Obscure UPVC double glazed window to side, ceiling light, extractor fan, part tiled wall surrounds, walk-in bath unit with Jacuzzi and door. Thermostatically controlled shower unit, low level WC, pedestal wash hand basin with tiled splash back, shaver point and mirror fronted medicine cabinet, panelled radiator.
There is a brick paved driveway providing off road parking and access to:
Up and over door under a pitched roof, power and light with personal door to rear garden.
Mainly paved and enclosed behind panelled fencing, return gate provides return access along the side elevation where there is a paved pathway leading to the front elevation and is enclosed behind close board fencing and there is Astro Turf for easy maintenance.
The site informs us that the pitch fee is ?256.31 per month.
Viewing Strictly by appointment. To arrange to see this property please phone Ross Nicholas & Company on 01425 625500.
From our Office in Old Milton Road cross over at the traffic lights into Ashley Road and proceed until reaching the village of Hordle. On reaching Hordle turn right into Stopples Lane and Woodlands Park will be found on the left.
All measurements quoted are approximate and for general guidance only. The fixtures, fittings, services and appliances have not been tested and therefore, no guarantee can be given that they are in working order. Photographs have been produced for general information and it cannot be inferred that any item shown is included with the property.
Council Tax Band : A