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Shadoxhurst, Ashford, Kent

Shadoxhurst, Ashford is a small village located in the heart of the county of Kent in the south east of England. It is a picturesque village surrounded by rolling hills and lush green fields, making it an ideal location for those looking for a peaceful break from the hustle and bustle of city life. The village is well connected to the surrounding towns and cities via a network of roads and public transport links.

The village is home to a selection of shops, pubs and restaurants, as well as a range of sports and leisure facilities including a cricket pitch, tennis courts and a bowling green. There are also a number of historic buildings including churches, a manor house and a windmill.

The area is a popular choice for those looking for a rural lifestyle, with some of the best places to live in Shadoxhurst being the surrounding villages of Bilsington, Brabourne, Sellindge and Sevington. These small villages are all within a short distance of Shadoxhurst, and provide a great place to live with plenty of local amenities and stunning countryside views.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Shadoxhurst, Ashford, Kent: £530,000

Average value of:
  • Detached house for sale in Shadoxhurst, Ashford, Kent: £625,000