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Shottenden, Canterbury, Kent

Shottenden is a small village in the Canterbury district of Kent. The village has a population of around 500 people, and is a great place to live. It has a close-knit community spirit and a great sense of history.

Shottenden lies near the North Downs and is surrounded by beautiful countryside, perfect for walks and nature spotting. It is also close to the cities of Canterbury and Ashford, both of which offer plenty of amenities.

The village itself has a pub, The George and Dragon, and a small village shop. There is also a primary school and a church, St. Lawrence. The village has plenty of green spaces, with several parks and a small lake, perfect for those looking for a peaceful place to relax.

Shottenden is a great place to live for those looking for a rural retreat. It is close enough to the cities of Canterbury and Ashford for those who need to commute, but far enough away to provide a peaceful, quiet and safe place to call home.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Shottenden, Canterbury, Kent: £672,500

Average value of:
  • Detached house for sale in Shottenden, Canterbury, Kent: £625,000