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Smeeth, Ashford, Kent

Smeeth is a rural village in Ashford, Kent, located close to the M20 motorway and Ashford International station. It's a peaceful village, with traditional white-washed cottages and winding country lanes, surrounded by rolling hills and beautiful countryside. For those looking for a quiet rural lifestyle, Smeeth is a great place to live. The village has a small range of local amenities, including a convenience store, post office, pub, church and a few independent shops. There are several parks, green spaces and nature reserves nearby, including the picturesque Mersham Le Hatch, perfect for walking and picnics. Smeeth is also conveniently located for commuting to London, with direct services from Ashford International station taking just under an hour. Overall, Smeeth is an idyllic village with a great sense of community and plenty of open space to enjoy, making it an excellent place to live.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Smeeth, Ashford, Kent: £272,500

Average value of:
  • Terraced house for sale in Smeeth, Ashford, Kent: £260,000