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Staple Street, Faversham, Kent

Staple Street in Faversham, Kent is a picturesque area which offers plenty of local amenities and attractions for all ages. It is home to the award-winning Fleur de Lis Museum, which is a must-see if you're visiting the area. Staple Street is a bustling area with plenty of shops, pubs and restaurants, all of which add to the charming atmosphere. There is also a large park which is perfect for leisurely walks or a picnic with friends.

For those looking for somewhere to live, Staple Street is a great option. It has a variety of housing options, ranging from traditional terraced houses to modern apartments. The area also offers excellent transport links, making it easy to get around. Overall, Staple Street is an ideal place to live, offering a mix of old and new, and plenty of local amenities.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Staple Street, Faversham, Kent: £545,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Staple Street, Faversham, Kent: £230,000

  • Detached house for sale in Staple Street, Faversham, Kent: £700,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Staple Street, Faversham, Kent: £335,000