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Strood, Rochester, Kent

Strood, Rochester, Kent is an historic and vibrant town, situated on the banks of the River Medway. With a rich maritime history, there is plenty to explore in this lively town, from its many pubs and restaurants to its impressive architecture. Strood is a great place to live, offering a variety of housing options, from quaint cottages, to modern apartments and family homes. The town centre is home to a bustling high street, with a variety of independent shops, cafes and supermarkets. There is also a range of activities to enjoy, including a theatre, cinema, bowling alley and leisure centre. For those looking to live by the river, the area of Stoke offers beautiful river views and a selection of waterfront properties. Whether you are looking to explore the local culture, shop or just relax, Strood is a great place to call home.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Strood, Rochester, Kent: £300,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Strood, Rochester, Kent: £173,750

  • Terraced house for sale in Strood, Rochester, Kent: £260,000

  • Detached house for sale in Strood, Rochester, Kent: £527,500