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Swale, Kent

Swale is a borough of Kent, located in Southeast England. It is known for its beautiful countryside and coastline, with plenty of rolling hills and river valleys to explore. There are a range of quaint villages and towns, with plenty of traditional pubs and restaurants to enjoy. Sittingbourne is the largest town in the borough, boasting a variety of shopping and leisure opportunities, as well as a bustling nightlife. Sittingbourne is a great place to live, as it is well connected to London and other major cities. The villages of Borden, Ospringe and Faversham also offer a great quality of life, with plenty of amenities and beautiful landscapes to explore. The breath-taking views of the River Swale and the Isle of Sheppey are also a major draw to the area.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Swale, Kent: £315,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Swale, Kent: £173,500

  • Detached house for sale in Swale, Kent: £450,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Swale, Kent: £220,000

All properties for sale in Swale, Kent

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