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The Stocks, Tenterden, Kent

The Stocks in Tenterden, Kent, is a picturesque village with a charming rural atmosphere, perfect for those looking for a tranquil escape from city life. The village is home to a variety of independent local shops and cafes, as well as a weekly farmers' market. The Stocks also has a variety of excellent pubs, restaurants, and traditional tea rooms. With its beautiful countryside views, excellent transport links, and renowned local schools, The Stocks is one of the best places to live in the area. The village also boasts a number of recreational activities, including walking trails and a golf course. For nature lovers, there are plenty of stunning parks and gardens to explore. With its village charm and close proximity to both London and the coast, The Stocks is an ideal destination for those looking for a peaceful and relaxing lifestyle.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in The Stocks, Tenterden, Kent: £411,975

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in The Stocks, Tenterden, Kent: £337,500

  • Detached house for sale in The Stocks, Tenterden, Kent: £625,000

  • Terraced house for sale in The Stocks, Tenterden, Kent: £322,500