Selling your home?

Abbey Lane, Sheffield

Abbey Lane in the city of Sheffield is a popular residential area, with a range of properties to suit everyone. It is well connected to a number of transport links, with regular buses providing easy access to the city centre and beyond. The area is home to a number of independent shops and restaurants, as well as some larger chain stores. There are plenty of green spaces for residents to enjoy, including Abbey Lane Park and Norfolk Park. The area is popular with young professionals, families and students alike, offering a variety of homes to suit all needs. Living in Abbey Lane, you will have access to excellent schools, leisure facilities, and community activities. With its convenient location, friendly atmosphere and good public amenities, Abbey Lane is an ideal place to live.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Abbey Lane, Sheffield: £545,000

Average value of:
  • Detached house for sale in Abbey Lane, Sheffield: £550,000