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Tremorfa, Cardiff, Cardiff (County of)

Tremorfa is a suburb of Cardiff, located in the County of Cardiff in South Wales, UK. It is an ethnically diverse area with a mix of residential and industrial properties. The area is close to the city centre and the Cardiff Bay, with easy access to the Cardiff International Airport. The local amenities include a large supermarket, multiple shops and restaurants, and a community centre.

Tremorfa is a great place to live for its affordable housing and proximity to all the amenities. It is a quiet and peaceful area, with plenty of green spaces and parks for children to play in. It is also close to the University Hospital of Wales, making it an ideal location for students and medical professionals. Public transport links are excellent, with bus routes running frequently and the nearest rail station being only a 5-minute walk away.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Tremorfa, Cardiff, Cardiff (County of): £200,000

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Tremorfa, Cardiff, Cardiff (County of): £140,000

  • Terraced house for sale in Tremorfa, Cardiff, Cardiff (County of): £230,000