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Hill Side Villas, Bradford, West Yorkshire

Hill Side Villas in Bradford, West Yorkshire is one of the best places to live. The area is beautiful with gorgeous views of the surrounding hills and valleys. The villas are spacious, modern and tastefully designed, offering a contemporary feel for the perfect living space. The neighborhood is friendly and welcoming and offers a range of amenities from local shops, cafes and restaurants to parks and leisure facilities. The area is well connected by public transport, with easy access to other parts of the city and beyond. Hill Side Villas is a great place to live and enjoy a peaceful and comfortable lifestyle.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Hill Side Villas, Bradford, West Yorkshire: £67,500

Average value of:
  • Flat for sale in Hill Side Villas, Bradford, West Yorkshire: £67,500

  • Detached house for sale in Hill Side Villas, Bradford, West Yorkshire: £25,000